Friday, August 6, 2010
Top 10 SEO content writing tips everyone should know
Here are ten of the key concepts to keep in mind:
1. Content matters: It’s important to remember that no matter what your subject matter is, your content has the potential to reach a large audience and help your company beyond the SEO benefits. Website content, articles and blog posts are ways to connect your company to relevant, interesting information about your industry. Creating copy that is well-written and focuses on interesting topics in your industry will help it go beyond increasing your page rank by being linked to and shared by outsiders.
2. Stay on topic: Business writing is not the same as writing your personal blog! There’s nothing wrong with adding some personality to your writing - this helps to keep the readers intrigued. Just make sure that you stay focused on the business-oriented topic you are writing about and avoid drifting into unrelated tangents.
3. Write compelling headings: The titles of web pages and articles are among the first things that grab the attention of a reader. Don’t use a generic, boring headline which simply describes what the article or web copy is about. Instead, think like a newspaper headline writer and develop a headline which makes someone want to read more.
4. Ideal keyword length and density: Content written for web copy and articles for directory submission should be 300 to 1,000 words in length. Blog posting and posts on social media sites can be shorter. The length of your article will largely be determined by the number of keywords you are using: a keyword for every 50 to 100 words of content is a good rule of thumb.
5. Add keywords to the bio: Biographical information given for a magazine story or an article for a directory submission is a great chance for you to enhance your credentials and also optimize your content. Make sure that you include one keyword in your bio.
6. Don’t stack keywords: Cramming keywords in an article or page of web content (such as being part of a list) looks unprofessional since all of your linked keywords will be running together on the page. Spread your keywords evenly throughout the article so they look more organic.
7. Use meta descriptions: Meta descriptions are 150 character descriptions of your content and are excellent opportunities for optimization. Make sure your content has meta descriptions with keywords included. This is a great way to get Google to recognize your content and increase its value.
8. Write and tag hierarchically: In order for Google and other search engines to give your content the highest placement possible, it’s important that it looks professional and well-structured. Using the appropriate tags for your content will do this. Use h1 tags for titles, h2 tags for subtitles and so on. This concept will also help your writing by encouraging you to put your most compelling ideas first.
9. Write original content: Having duplicate content is a major no-no for search engine optimization, so don’t just “copy and paste” content from existing sources. Make sure your content is fresh and original - even copying your own content is a poor SEO decision.
10. Choose relevant images: Creative Commons search tools like the Google Image Search Assistant will help you find intriguing images that are free to use without risking copyright infringement. Having eye-catching images that are relevant to your content will grab the reader’s attention.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Quick and Easy Ways to attract More Traffic to Your Site from YouTube
YouTube is one of the most common and biggest social networking websites online today. Millions of web surfers browse through the YouTube site monthly in search of videos that in their chosen niches. There are traffic generating potentials from YouTube but you may not be able to leverage this fact if you don't know the right steps to take and how to perform certain simple traffic-oriented tasks using your YouTube videos. If you had been reading how lots of other website owners had been getting loads of traffic from YouTube, it is time for you to join the successful train and start experiencing very meaningful traffic to your website from YouTube. The right step to take are outlined in this brief discuss.
What You Must Know In Order To Drive More Traffic to Your Site Via YouTube
It isn't rocket science to drive traffic from YouTube irrespective of the type of business you are doing. Saying this is important because some site owners may unnecessarily be intimated by the huge results of those that had been there before them. The skill you have or whatever qualification you may have wouldn't count if you fail to read and digest the following three important YouTube traffic tips.
1 - The first thing is to submit your videos to YouTube. Don't be deterred if you don't know how to create and upload any video at the moment because it doesn't take more a couple of minutes. Essentially you will need free 'Camstudio' which is readily available on the internet to create any prolific video to be shown on YouTube. If you are among those internet marketers that still find it difficult to join the social marketing 'war-fare'; you have to wake up today if you really want your online business to survive.
While using YouTube as a traffic-driving medium, you have to ensure you give your videos adequate titles. This is important because there are lots of marketers that make the mistake of titling their YouTube videos for the search engines. This may not yield the desired popularity for such video because the search engines are becoming smarter than they were few months back. The best option is to give your videos proper titles that will appeal to humans and be sure of its popularity once it starts getting shared and voluntarily linked to on the internet.
The basics concept of any video you upload online should be to either entertain or educate so you have to carefully make it worth your viewers' while. If you have some educational or informative tips to give, nothing prevents you from sitting in front of your computer and recording 2 or 3 minutes clean video of yourself talking. This is quite acceptable online and can go viral as long as you have useful or informative content in the video.
2 - You shouldn’t forget to include the link to your website or blog in any video you create and upload to the YouTube. This is very important especially if your sole aim of uploading such video is to drive traffic to your online or offline business. The time you spent on the video creation may have been wasted if you fail to provide link back to your site so that those that view your videos can click-in to your blog or site to see more of your offerings. It is common to believe that many viewers wouldn’t type in the URL in the YouTube videos but the truth is that many actually do.
You Can Create a Community of YouTube Video Viewers
3 - This is similar to asking potential clients to subscribe to your newsletter but in this case, they would be subscribing to your YouTube channel so that they will know when you post new videos. This can effectively bring repeated traffic to your site especially if you have very insightful videos on display. You can simply ask people to subscribe to your YouyTube video channel by mentioning it at the beginning and the end of your videos but be sure to make your videos are informative as possible.
Richard Chidike is the owner and founder of As a professional blogger with valuable years of experience in internet marketing, his motivational blog is fully dedicated to helping bloggers and internet marketers succeed online. You can join me on twitter at Motivatory.
Make Money Online in Record Time by Building Your List!
If you're new to making money online then I have three words that will hopefully transform the way you look at your new business. This article will help you make money online in record time and I only wish I had this information when I started out!
Build Your List
All the top internet marketers out there have the ability to generate wealth on demand and the reason they can do this is because they have spent time to get people onto their mailing list.
This means that when they release new information products, they instantly have a list of prospects to sell items to. This usually means an instant pay off every time a product is launched and is extremely powerful.
How do you Build a Sizable list?
Building a list is actually pretty easy. Here are the steps that you need to follow:-
1. Create a one page web site where you offer a free gift in exchange for the name and email address of your visitors
2. Create the gift that you are going to give away to your visitors – often this simply needs to be a short report. There's no need to create a whole book to give away. Generally speaking, less is more, because people are always after quick fixes to their problems.
3. Drive traffic to your one page web site
And that's really all there is to it.
So, let's assume that we were in the male dating niche. We might have a one page web site that offered a free e-book that people could download. The e-book might tell them how to approach any woman confidently and successfully.
Of course, a male who's having dating problems would visit the page, see the free e-book and feel enticed to enter his name and email address into the opt-in box.
How do you Make Money from your List?
Here's the clever part. You can use software services called autoresponders that allow you to add emails in advance of them being sent. This means that you can set up a year's worth of emails to be sent out, sit back and let the whole thing work on autopilot.
So, firstly, you should focus on providing top quality information to your prospects on your list. Make sure that they enjoy receiving emails from you and that you're providing real value and helping them to solve their problems.
After the initial relationship building stage, you can then start make soft and hard sells of products. You can either sell your own products or you can be an affiliate for products that other people have created.
So continuing our example from earlier: Once the prospect is on your list, he'd received some really helpful dating tips from you that he could go out in the “field” and try out on women. After a week or so, you'd then recommend a product, or mention your own product, that is specifically aimed at helping men have more success with women.
Of course you'd mention this product in each of the further emails that you send out.
The Money Making Machine....
And that's really all there is to making money online – it's not rocket science – but learning the skills to get everything set up the first time round takes a little learning.
If you want a rock-star lifestyle then I truly believe that internet marketing is your quickest ticket. If you just take the time to learn the skills you can really create a desirable lifestyle for yourself.
If you'd like to learn step by step how to create an online business that I've just described here then enter your name and email address here: and I'll teach you personally myself for free.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Commenting on Other Blogs - A Great Source of Traffic
You have a wonderful blog that you have started recently. But you are worried about the number of visits or traffic to your blog and almost quit blogging. Well, if you work hard and explore other successful bloggers you will know a lot on how to run your blog successfully with a good number of visitors.
I'm going to share how you can increase your traffic by commenting on others' blogs.
How many of you comment on other blogger's posts in your niche?
Do you know commenting on other blogs in your niche is one of the most important things for a blogger?
Following are the reasons why every blogger should comment on the blogs of his/her niche.
• The immediate benefit you will get is traffic to your blog. You might be following so many other things like link exchange, submitting your blog to blog directories etc to drive traffic to your site. But none of them will get you the 'quality' traffic. Commenting on the blogs of your niche will help you get the quality traffic.
• What makes you comment on other's blog? The obvious answer is their posts. So, you would obviously go through their posts before posting a comment. By going through different posts on different blogs, there is a great chance of you getting some good ideas for you to write a great post on your blog. Reading that many posts will also make you know how to write better and attracting posts.
• Post valid and good comments regularly. By dooing so, there are great chances of people getting interested to know you. Make friends with them. This helps your blog getting linked by them.
• If you keep commenting, you will also get more comments to your blog. Whatever you put out comes back to you. So, keep commenting.
• Search for new blogs in your niche once in a while and comment on them too. This helps you expose yourself to new people in your niche.
• Add value to the conversation with your comment.
But wait! This is not everything. There are a few other things to consider before you comment.
• Your comments should not be like "great post", "nice blog", "Thanks for the great post" etc. You'll be considered a comment spammer if you do so.
• Your comments should be related to the topic.
• Tell him what you like and why you like.
• Don't always put a link to your blog in your comment signature. Add the link back to your blog only if you feel it is relevant to the post.
• Don't add more comments on the same post. It can hurt you more than it helps.
Blogging is not just about what you want to say. What good does it make you, if you don't have visitors to read your blog. So, reach out to people, expose yourself to new friends, new ideas.
Have fun!
How did you get benefited by commenting? Share any other practices that I missed?
Author Bio:
My name is Sandeep. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you are looking for more tips on blogging, ideas on making money online, please have a look at
How to Make $3000 per month - A Detailed Guide
There are many ways to make money online. But this article contains the method I personally use to make $100 per day.
Step1: Decide two ways of making money. I personally make money from list building and affiliate marketing. I work full time focusing on building my list and promoting the affiliate product.
Step2: Write a free ebook and giveaway to the people who subscribe to your list. For your affiliate product, create a blog with 5 articles related the product, including a review of the product.
Step3: Initially, dedicate your time for both list building and promoting affiliate products. Subscribe to the newsletters of 5 experts in your niche and observe how they are promoting their
products. Make a list of their promotional activities. Start implementing them.
Make a list of promotional campaigns that worked for you. Repeat the methods to promote your site.
Once you have a list of 200, you can start making money by promoting your products to your subscribers. Communicate with your subscribers and try to offer the products they desire.
Once you start making a steady income of $200 per month (you can achieve this in a month), focus on promoting the affiliate product. Implement the same marketing methods that you used for building your list. Apart from that, invest $50 - $100 per month on paid advertising.
Do you want to know what 90% of millionaire level marketing experts use for traffic? It's not f'ree traffic, it's paid traffic.
I extensively invest on banner advertising in niche blogs. They do not cost more than $50 per month and I make a minimum of 5 sales from each blog.
Let me tell you another secret. Try to promote products related to dating, fitness and forex. Write 5 articles daily with a link to your blog in the resource box and submit them to These niches do so well in that you can easily get 100
views per article.
Let us make some calculations. Let us assume that if 100 people read your article, 10 of them will click on your link. You can expect 1 sale for every 100 visitors. This means that you can make a sale every alternative day. Now, if you get a commission of $20 per sale, you can
easily make $1000 per month.
Repeat, repeat and repeat. Repeat whatever worked for you. Within a couple of months (It took 5 months for me), you can easily make $3000 per month.
Author Bio:
Indu Priya is an online marketer. Get her FREE guide (link
to to learn how to get 0-1000 targeted visitors to your site in just one week using both SEO and non-SEO methods.
Smart Internet marketing with Facebook – How to Leverage on the Goldmine of over 400 Million Users
It's no longer secret that facebook is the worlds largest networking site but unfortunatly, most internet marketers and web surfers are yet to fully realize the immense possibilities of marketing with facebook. If you have a facebook account, you may not know that millions of other users are logging on to their facebook accounts on daily basis. This amazing social networking site can be used as a very potent business networking ground if only you know what to do and which steps that are right.
If you want to startup a marketing campaign with facebook, it is very essential that you create a separate facebook business page for your business on facebook even if you already have a personal facebook account. This should be the vital first step. Doing this is important because your business should be separated from your personal profile or in you may discover that visitors could begin to socialize and share personal pictures on their personal facebook pages. This certainly isn’t the best practice if you are on facebook for marketing purposes. You simply have to give your business a different identity from your personal facebook activities.
The need to access the pages of facebook is important because you have to create your business profile in this page and begin to project what your business stands with great focus and determination. It is even very interesting to note that there are lots of advertising tools you would use in facebook pages for better optimizations of your marketing campaign. You really have to take advantage of these valuable tools while starting out your marketing with facebook. You shouldn’t get scared when we mentioned these facebook pages because it doesn’t require any special skill to set up. You can easily set it up the same way you got your personal profile page up.
Marketing with facebook is even made much easier by the free access to visitors analytics tools and a precise report on your fan base as well as their activites. This will help you to know the kind of persons or businesses that are following your updates. It is very easy for you to constantly send your updated facebook pages to other facebook accounts that are following your page. The importance of sending these sorts of message to your fans is more appreciated when you want to alert them of certain new developments in your business. That way, you would be sure that they got your message and the possibility of getting positive response is always higher if your fan base constitutes mostly of visitors who are interested in your kind of business.
There are lots of innovative ideas that are being added to facebook by the owners and the employees just to make sure those businesses such as yours get the very best from facebook marketing. You don’t have to let this unique and explosive marketing avenue slip because over 400 million users are huge enough to accommodate any kind of business. There are lots of Facebook Marketing Solutions to choose from such as the Direct Targeted Marketing Tools and the Engagement Ads. You also have more options such as commenting, fanning, sharing, applications, events and so on. If you hadn’t looked at the possibility of marketing with facebook, you may also need to know that these marketing tools would cost you little or nothing to utilize.
Richard Chidike is the owner and founder of As a professional blogger with valuable years of experience in internet marketing, his motivational is fully dedicated to helping bloggers and internet marketers succeed online.
Your First Hugely Important Steps to Making Money Online
In this post I'm going to show you how you can get started making money online in as short time as possible. This process is one that I've been using for the past year to make money online and “fire” my boss.
The great thing about this way of working is that you don't need to have any special knowledge, skills or experience. In fact, if you're not comfortable with doing anything that I mention in this article then you can simply find somebody to do it for you by outsourcing the work to a site like
The First Step to Making Money Online is Finding your Profitable Passion
Our ultimate goal is to create a residual online business that brings in money while we're asleep. It sounds like a far-fetched idea, but let me reassure you that some of my friends are actually doing 7 figures a year online and they really do earn while they're asleep.
Obviously it takes a bit of work to get to 7 figures a year! And it all starts with finding your profitable passion. There is one question that I need you to ask yourself...It's this: How can I help others?
The amount of money in your bank account is in direct proportion to the amount of value that you can provide for others. I want you to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking for others.
What Problems Can You Solve for Other People?
Let me give you an example. Years ago I used to suffer from quite severe acne. Now through a heck of a lot of research, trial and error I actually found a way to heal my poor skin naturally. This knowledge would be hugely valuable to other acne sufferers out there.
In fact, I'm willing to say, that if I took some time to figure out a way of reaching these people with acne problems then it would be very profitable for me.
What problems can you solve? What do you have experience in? And, if you can't think of anything, then ask yourself what you'd be willing to research to help others.
Once you've found your “profitable passion” then it's simply a matter of reaching your target market.
Broadcast your Message through your Web Site...
Now it's simply a case of setting up your web site and also setting up what's called a profit funnel.
Your web site should really have one goal in mind – and that's to capture the names and email addresses of visitors to your site. Once you have people on your list then you're in a great position to push them down what's called a “profit funnel”.
A profit funnel is simply a series of messages that you send to your list. Some of those messages will contain valuable free information (in fact, I always recommend sending lots of free, valuable information for a couple of weeks after your visitors have joined your list) and other messages will contain sales pitches to products that you have created yourself, or that other people own.
Of course, if you sell somebody else's product then you're entitled to a commission.
The Great Thing about this Business is...
The really great aspect of this business is that once everything is set up then it truly runs on autopilot. Can you imagine what it would be like to have a web site and a fully fledged profit funnel making you money each day without having to go to work?
It's a dream that is absolutely possible, you just need to understand the system and then implement it.
Remember – provide real value in abundance, and you'll get even more value in return! And the wealth will flow to you in streams.
If you'd like to learn step by step how to create an online business that I've just described then enter your name and email address here: and I'll teach you personally myself for free.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Free Video Tutorial Shows You How to Make $20-$50 Per Day on Autopilot
Whether you are new or already working on something on the Internet to make money, I'm sure you are interested to learn about any money making method that is working or participate on any opportunity that is generating real money for you.
Goran from has posted a new video tutorial that teaches about how to make $20-50/day on autopilot. This video tutorial is totally free to access. It gives a money making method that anyone can use to start making money online. Even you are a beginner you can learn the method and put it to work right away to make money online.
Here's the direct link to watch the video tutorial:
There are no sign up and opt-in needed. When you landed on the page, the video titled 'How to Make $20-50/Day on Autopilot' will show up immediately and you can watch it and learn to start making money online.
What actually the video is teaching you?
The video is about how to make money online using digital content. It shows exactly in step-by-step on how you can start from scratch to marketing your digital content and generating cash online. This isn’t some sort of traditional method where you have to do research, create your own digital content product, generate traffic to your website to promote your product and make sale revenue.
The video is going to show you a way to get a collection of free and up-to date digital products like ebooks, software, videos, and graphics which are created by other people. Then you can resell these free digital products on the Internet right away and keep 100% of the profit.
There are high traffic e-commerce sites that you can take advantage to market your digital products on the Internet quickly and earn money. These high traffic e-commerce sites allow you to upload your digital products and they will promote the products for you. In the video you will discover several of these high traffic and reputable e-commerce sites where you can set up an account to upload your digitalproducts and get free promotion for your products to generate potential sales. The video will teach you everything you need to know, so you can make use of these e-commerce sites effectively to get traffic and generate sales.
All these free digital products come with either resell sale right or private label right. A digital product comes with resell right means you can resell the digital product on the Internet. A digital product with private label right (PLR) means you are allowed to modify the product in any way you like and you can even change the author name of the product to yours.
There are actually several other ways you can use for besides reselling these digital products. You can break the PLR e-book into a number of articles and do some modification to each article. Then submit the articles to the article sites to gain backlinks and traffic. Alternatively you can offer some digital products as free gifts to your visitors to entice them joining your mailing list. Or you can use the content to create niche website for generating AdSense and affiliate marketing revenue….. Any idea that you come up with on using the (PLR) digital products, you can go for it.
Watch the Video Tutorial Now and Learn How to Make $20 to $50 a Day
Saturday, July 10, 2010
How to get approved by any affiliate network
Getting approved at big affiliate networks that have great payouts it’s a challenging thing, but my brain works on this principle “if he could do it, why couldn’t I?” and you should too. I am member of many affiliate networks and trust me, some of them are really really good (Market Leverage, MaxBounty,etc) but some offer only few campaigns that don’t even pay much. So, choosing and getting approved at a big and good affiliate network is an important step. So, how do I get approved by any affiliate network?
Tip 1 - Have an website/blog
I know, you could be a huge e-mail marketer, but this isn’t enough. Every big affiliate marketer has its own page on the web. Perhaps, you could make your personal website or blog where you describe yourself and what you do. This helps a lot, the review team will definitely think you are a serious and professional guy.
Tip 2 - Speak English fluently
This is only valid for people outside USA. If not all, 90% of the affiliate networks that exist will give you a call and ask you some questions. If you will say only “aaah”, “okaay”, “aaah”, your chances to get approved will decrease. If you are good at writing but not that good at speaking English, ask a friend of yours to speak instead of you.
Tip 3 - Don’t use “ghetto language”
You should never, but never speak with “yo”, “dawg” and I don’t know what other ghetto words when talking to an affiliate network staff member. You won’t be cool doing this, the person who you will be talking with will think you are just a kiddo or a douchebag that only had a dream to make money through man with a dollar symbol
Tip 4 - Be prepared to answer any question
Most of the affiliate networks if not all of them will ask you this when trying to join them:
“How are you going to promote our products?”
You should have an answer ready for this question and not babble. If you have a pause like “aaaaa”, your chances to be approved will decrease.
Tip 5 - Use instead of gmail, yahoo, etc
Some networks even request you to use the email provided by your domain name in order to verify that you really own that website. Using this tip will show that you are professional and don’t play.
There could be more, but following these tips should eventually get you approved by any affiliate network as long as it is open for new publishers. If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me or write a comment here and I will try to help you!
Getting approved isn’t really a big thing, the hard part comes when you have to make money, but this is the first step. You can’t make money without being a member somewhere.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
4 Good Tips To Earn Money From CPA Networks
CPA (Cost per Action) Networks are also the good way for making money online. You can promote them directly or on your landing pages. Some of the best CPA Networks are-:
Commission Junction
I want to give you 5 good tips to earn money from these networks-:
1. Never Make Free Website-: To start earning money from these networks first make a Website platform. So you can use all the networks on your website. And you can also use Google Adsense for more income. Because If you will use Free Website, They will leave their links and also they looks like very uncommon, For the Example-: So Buy your own domain name & hosting account.
2. Use same links for the same topic-: If you want to make a website on "Green Tree", Then always try to add the links or banner of same topic. Because visitors, which are coming on your website can be convert easily, If they will find the related link for the Product.
3. Use Your Power of Words-: Try to make the pages, Which has every word powerful and visitors think that they really need this service or product. Never ask them to buy any Clickbank product or any links directly. When you'll use the article, which is totally related to the links or product, then they will automatically get the full attention.
4. Never Make Website, Which Contains Too Much Flash or Pictures-: As you know Google Crawl quality content, not Flash or images. So try to avoid using Flash and images in your website. You can insert a Video from Youtube to Guide Them.
Build A Link Wheel To Increase Search Engine Rankings
If you want to increase your search engine rankings then you need good backlinks. This process is also known as search engine optimisation or off page seo. The more relevant your website is for certain keywords and the more relevant backlinks you have to that specific page, the higher your rankings will be in the search engines.
The quality of your backlinks is way more important than the quantity. You need relevant backlinks from sites that have authority as well as page rank. The best way to achieve this would be to develop your own personal link wheel that you have control over. You can then build backlinks to your website for free, and increase the rankings to the first page.
The sites you can use for this process are the popular web 2.0 sites such as squidoo, hubpages, blogger and wordpress, along with many others. If you open up an account on each, you will then be able to post content on this site which will link back to your own. These specific websites have huge trust within the search engines and can pass on trust to your own site.
Although the main domain of these web 2.0 sites are usually high, this does not mean that your article page will have the same. All articles that you upload to these sites will start off with zero page rank so you will actually have to build backlinks to these in order to increase the value of the backlinks to your main site.
If you are not sure of what a link wheel is then here goes. A link wheel is a set of popular online properties that are linked together in a strategic way that maximises the impact on the rankings of the main website. I build my link wheels in a way that all other sites would link in a wheel effect and link to my main site from each. I would never link back to these web 2.0 sites from my main site to ensure one way linking across the whole network.
None of your online properties should have two way links. For example: If i had 5 web 2.0 sites and 1 main website (my money site). I would link property 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5 and then 5 back to 1. This creates the link wheel. Then i would have a link back to my main site from each property. All the backlinks must include the keyword you are targeting as anchor text.
You can actually create a link wheel for each post on your blog or for each keyword you are targeting but the most important thing of all when using this method is that the content you post on these web 2.0 sites are unique. You can either re-write a blog post 5 times and post one on each or you can use an article spinner to speed up the process. If it spins to 80% unique then that's fine.
The key to success when using this method would be to then build backlinks to your web 2.0 sites. This will increase the page rank of each property and pass on link juice to your main website. Its best to use automated tools for this kind of job as you will not be able to keep up. This whole process is to increase the rankings of your main site to the first page of search results, for free, unless you pay for automated tools to speed things up.
Watch the video below to gain a better understanding of how to build a link wheel for your own website to increase your search engine rankings:
Author Bio:
Aden Clark blogs about how to Make Money Online and creates video tutorials to make it easier for you to learn. Visit today.
Sell Information Products through Clickbank for a Passive Online Income
You're probably here because you want to make money online which is why I wanted to put this quick post together for you. I'm going to tell you how you can make money online by harnessing the knowledge that you already have....And if you don't already have the knowledge, then you can learn it in no time at all!
It's really important that you read to the end of this article because you'll be armed with all the instruction you need to earn a passive income online by selling digital information.
Did you realise that selling information products is a multi-million dollar business online? In fact, one guy alone (he goes by the name of Eben Pagan) has generated over 100 million dollars in revenue solely by selling digital information products online. So, now you understand the overwhelming potential of this business, let me tell you how to do it!
How Do You Make Money Online by Selling Information Products?
Firstly, you need to decide whether you want to sell your own information products or whether you want to sell other people's information products for commission. If you're starting out in this business and you want to get your feet wet, then I'd suggest selling the work of someone else to learn the marketing strategies that you'll need before you start to create your own products.
Let me just quickly say that once you have made money online as an affiliate, I recommend that you become a product creator as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. As an information product creator, you can then have an army of affiliates selling your products (rather than the other way round) – and of course you'll make money with each sale. In short, you have a high earning potential as a product creator instead of being just an affiliate.
In this article, I want to tell you about a web site that will allow you to find thousands of digital information products that you can sell today....The site is called Clickbank.
Tell Me More About Clickbank...
Clickbank contains a huge library of digital assets that have already been created and are ready to be sold. This means that you don't have to go through the time consuming process of creating your own information products.
There are a few great features about Clickbank that you should be aware of:-
Firstly, they handle all transactions which means you don't have to worry about payment processing and security – all that complicated stuff is taken care of.
Secondly, Clickbank pay out on time, every time. I have been an affiliate with Clickbank for a long time now (I also have a few products on there too) and they have never missed a pay cheque. You can paid every two weeks directly into your bank account or by check if you prefer.
Thirdly, they provide sophisticated analytics so you can see how many people you have referred to the sales page of a product, how many of those visitors viewed the order form and, of course, how many of them purchased the product.
So, What Do I Have to Do to Make Money with Clickbank?
The first thing you need to is sign up for an account at By doing this you will be set up with a unique username (the correct terminology in Clickbank is “nickname”) and this will be the nickname that is used to form what's called affiliate links.
Now, to make money as an affiliate you simply need to get people to click on your affiliate link so that they are taken to the product sales page and then when they buy the product you earn a commission.
One of the great reasons for promoting information products online is that the profit margin is so high. If you tried to become an affiliate for (to sell physical products) then you'd typically only expect to earn 5% of the total value of the product. As a Clickbank affiliate, it is normal to earn 50% and sometimes even 75% of the product value for making sales.
Where Can I Find The Products to Promote?
There is a section within Clickbank called the “Marketplace”. In here you'll find a series of categories (“Health and Fitness” for example) and under each category there are a list of products. You can choose any one of the products to promote and you can generate your affiliate links by clicking on “Promote”.
Once you have generated your affiliate link (or “hoplink” as they're known on Clickbank) you can then add the link to your web site, email signatures, articles...Anywhere you get people to buy through that link.
Once you've decided on a marketing strategy, you then simply need to get traffic. I will be publishing another post that will talk about all the traffic strategies I use to make money by selling information products (the majority of my online income comes from selling digital products) very shortly.
Information Products are the Way to Go!
I have to say that once you've got a system for marketing digital products online, it is really just a case of replicating that system for different products. And once you're at this stage then you can pretty much scale your income up to heights you wouldn't believe.
Author Bio:
My name's Paul McCarthy...And I hope you enjoyed and got some benefit from reading how to make money online from information products.
Now, if you want somebody to show you each and every step in great detail and tell you exactly how to make money online with information products, then you should sign up at my page here: and I'll teach you personally myself, for free.
Boost Your Backlinks for More Authority
Any internet marketing expert will tell you that backlinks are very important when it comes to improving your rank with the various search engines. More backlinks means a higher page rank. A higher page rank means your website is highly respected in the cyberworld.
That is what you may have heard, but is it really true?
Not completely. True authority comes only with quality links. In other words, not just any old links will do. To really increase the authority of your website you must have indexed links that actually have staying power. Accumulating comment links and sending the same article to every directory you can think of just will not get the job done. Instead, you need to implement something called link boosting.
Effective Article Submission
The first step in link boosting does involve article submission to your favorite directories but with a twist. After I have finished a new post for any of my blogs, I prepare a 400 word summary of that post and rewrite it several times. I take care to make sure the rewrites are absolutely unique and submit a different article to each directory on my favorites list. Some of these rewrites also get used as guest posts to other blogs, and all of them will link back to my original post and home page.
Even More Article Submission
Once the submissions have been accepted, I get to work writing an article on a subject that is closely related to the first one. Rewrites of this post get submitted to directories like hubpages and squiddoo, among others. This time the links point to the first set of articles that were sent in. Finally, for added boost, I will bookmark the second set of posts to a couple dozen bookmark sites.
How it Works
The basic idea here is to leverage the page rank of the sites that rank better than yours. Getting a website to at least PR4 is time consuming and not an easy thing to do. Article directories are already sitting at PR5 or PR6. You can use that to your own benefit. Just think about how hard you have to work just to get a PR3 backlink. One of the articles I submitted to received a PR3 and I had only pointed a single link back to it. Now that article and the home page have a PR3 link.
While doing your link building, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
* Quantity is good, but quality is better – In content links from an authority site within your niche is the best backlink you can get.
* Authority “opinion” sites are not far behind – Being mentioned (with a backlink) in someone’s personal blog that gets a lot of traffic and backlinks is almost as good as getting one from an authority site in your niche.
* Blogroll links are not as great as people think – Trading blogroll links will get you a lot of links, if done with big sites, but the links will not count nearly as much as in content links.
* Most comment links are garbage – Leaving good quality comments with a link back to your site is a good way to get people to visit and interact with your site, but not so great for link juice.
This is how you gain authority – by getting strong backlinks that stay. Take the time to do it right and don’t take shortcuts. It takes a bit more work than some of the other link building strategies, but it is well worth the extra work.
Author Bio:
If you are looking for more great tips on SEO and backlinking strategies, you should check out Steve’s Internet Business Guide.
Factors Leading to Effective Affiliate Marketing
In order to be successful in any type of business, whether online or offline, having a full proof plan is very essential. For instance, you cannot go into a bank and opt for a loan just because you have to sell stuff, you need to have proper plan for that as well. While being a part of any online business, you will be having a website for sure and it would be of no use if your website is not getting sufficient amount of quality traffic. Talking specifically about the factors that can prove out to be effective and will also make you win in the end, there are more than you can imagine. In this piece of writing, I have decided to share some factors leading to effective affiliate marketing.
Not everyone can move ahead having an online business, you should know what overall internet is and out of all the various strategies, which one would work for your affiliate marketing campaign. There is one thing for sure that not having a strong strategy would do a lot of damage for affiliates who are new to the market. Research is very important if you do not want to lose hope or see a long period of disappointment or even lose some funds. You need to be well aware of things such as the market’s trends and how to bring in traffic for instance. Also you need to make adjustments to your affiliate marketing strategy and design it in a manner that would suit you perfectly.
The whole sales process needs to be kept in mind when planning out a strategy from start till the end. The very first thing that tells that your strategy is working well is the sign of people coming to your site through various links that you have placed. You should know that every affiliate marketer in this line would be having a plan so do something different or do the same thing but in a better way.
You should approach people through various ways such as article marketing, talking at forums with them, helping them out at a place like Yahoo Answers, interacting with them and building a relation by doing email marketing and etc. Effective affiliate marketing is not something which is to directly try and sell things, build good relations with your visitors first. If they are not really looking for what you have then be friendly and kind enough to recommend them a place where they can find what they need, this won’t make you sell something to them, but it will surely develop your reputation in the minds of the visitors.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How a Well Written Guest Post Can Take Your Blog Over the Top
How would you feel if I told you that you missed out on potentially thousands of visitors by publishing your amazing article on your own blog?
I’m sure that we all would love it if traffic flowed to your blog each time that publish button was pressed. But how can writing things for others result in you reaping the benefits? Let’s take a moment to talk about guest posting. What it is and why it is such a successful technique.
Guest posting is the act of creating a post/article on another person’s site (with permission of course). Guest posting on other sites has long been proven to be a successful marketing technique because you have the advantage of traffic to your niche while another blogger just got a great new post for his/her own readers.
This means that a guest post on a site receiving 5,000 daily visitors can bring in those visitors back to your site. I’m sure you can see the potential in that! So how do you go about with the guest posting process?
First, I suggest finding some popular blogs in your niche. Search for the keywords you would like to be found from to get a list of sites relevant to your sites topic. For example, if your site focuses on the keywords, make money online, a Google search on it would lead you here, to Money Maker Info. Repeat this searching process for a few more potential sites and your ready to move on.
So once you have found some good sites, examine them in further detail to find a hot topic that you can write about. It is important to read through the sites archives as no blogger likes duplicate content on their site.
Take your time to write a post for the other blog owner. Always, always, ALWAYS make sure that guest posts written are the best you can make them. Spend an extra day to clear your head and re-read your post. Ask a friend to read through your article to make sure everything checks-in. Just do what it takes to be the best out there.
Almost any site you can find will have contact information leading to the site owner(s). Take this to your advantage by sending them a kindly worded e-mail about whom you are and why you would love to guest post on their site. It is important to make it look like they are the ones gaining the biggest benefit from the post.
Remember, some sites are very open about guest posting while other sites will take long conversations, just for the chance to talk to the person in charge. Persevere through the process and your post will lead to a traffic bringing success.
One last note. I would love to hear what you guys (and gals) think about guest posting. Have you ever done a guest post? Do you plan to in the near future? I invite you to share in the comments below.
Work less but still Maintain Your Earning Level with WebeServe
Are you running a website, a blog or an online business to make money? If the answer is yes, you are going to do marketing. Marketing is the key to success. You'll need to focus most of your time in Internet marketing.
Internet marketing involves a lot of works. You'll want to do article marketing, link building, forum posting, pay per click advertising and other marketing works so that your online business can get the maximum exposure and generate revenue for you.
In this situation, you would probably have too much marketing work on your hand causing work overloaded and need to outsource part of your tasks to others. Outsourcing certainly reduces your workload but will drive up your cost and eat up a portion of your profit.
Well with WebeServe, you aren't going to worry about high outsourcing cost that could wipe out part of your profit. WebeServe has been mentioned here in this blog in the previous blog posts but if you don't know about WebeServe yet, it is basically an online company that specializes in providing Internet marketing services.
What makes Webeserve different than other outsourcing services is that it allows you to outsource your marketing works at you own small budget. You just need to set the price that you are willing to pay and there will be people in WebeServce do the jobs for you.
Here is a list of Internet marketing services WebeServe is offering?
* Article writing
* Article distribution to article directories
* Web directory submission
* Forum marketing
* Link Building
* Link Wheel
* Social media marketing
* Twitter marketing
* Pay per click advertising advices
* And much more
As you can see the services of WebeServe are designed to help you build traffic and get your marketing messages out on the Internet so if you don't have enough time to do all your important marketing works, you can just start one or more campaigns in WebeServe to distribute your tasks to the skilled service providers in WebeServe.
Are You Promoting Quality & Safe Affiliate Marketing Products?
Mostly, when an individual enter the online affiliate marketing business arena, he/she rushes to find great products to promote in order to make profits within a short period of time. Basically, the products you choose are the main things deciding on your affiliate marketing career’s success and this makes it really important that you consider a few crucial things before making the choice.
There are several affiliate products to choose from but the great ones are only those that are made considering the people’s needs and wants. Of course no affiliate product is going to be worthy of promoting if there is no one who wants it. What you do first is look for what people are actually searching and desiring to have. You should also consider your own interest as well since you cannot be successful in talking about golf when you are a hockey player. If you are interested in gardening then see what people in that market are looking for. Once your market research is over and you know what products people need, start your hunt and begin your search of quality affiliate marketing products.
You should also know that a good affiliate product would also be carrying a good commission percentage. Commission would vary depending on the product’s price but you should aim for 50 percent at least apart from products that are high ticket items. You should make sure that you are a part of excellent affiliate programs which are offering excellent services that means not only the products should be great but the services for the program’s affiliates should be excellent as well. This counts for extra services, support, newsletters, training, sales reports, etc.
Tiered structure is something that makes a good affiliate program having good products. This means that you would not only get commission over selling their products but also get commission for bringing in new affiliates and on the products that would get sold through them. Great affiliate products can be found easily if you simply give in sometime, once you have a great affiliate program, finding great products would be easier. If a product is offering relatively lower commission, see how much demand is there for it. If you see people are going crazy and demanding that product, go ahead and hit several sales making small but many profits and if a product has to offer an excellent commission percentage then research over how many can you possibly sell or if you can even sell any or not.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Primer for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing
Making money online is a dream for many people – the freedom to choose when and where to work, the stupidly high incomes that are achievable and “set and forget” nature of the business is attractive to many people – myself included.
The problem is, nobody really tells you how to achieve high incomes online – the reality is they just want your money. So, in this article, I'm going to tell you what you must do if you want to build a sustainable online business working from home.
Quickly, before I get into the meat and potatoes of this post, let me just quickly tell you a bit about me...
Just a year ago I started out trying to make money online and I found nothing but a whole load of misinformation and predators! Predators being the people who sold you products on a get rich quick pipe dream. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Thankfully, through hard work and sheer bloody-mindedness I managed to piece together the pieces of the make money online jigsaw. And here I am today, working from home earning a decent full time income and enjoying every second of it. And my goal – to teach others the correct way to making money online.
So, How Do You Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing?
For those of you who don't know, affiliate marketing is the name for selling other people's products online for commission. In short, if you refer customers and they make a purchase then you'll receive a percentage of the sales.
I want to tell you the strategy to making money online. This strategy works for me time and time again and it will work for you too.
1 – Find a Niche
The first thing you must do is a find a niche. What do I mean by this? Well, simply, you need to become an expert in a certain area. That area could be how to clear acne, how to build muscle, hair loss prevention or even losing weight.
The secret to finding a niche is to find a problem that a large number of people have and don't yet know where to find the answer. Not only that, but you also need to do market research to make sure that they are willing to pay to have that problem solved for them.
2 – Build a Web Site
I know this may seem impossible now, but building a web site isn't actually very difficult at all! You simply need a one page web site in your niche that offers something valuable to your visitors. The reason you need something valuable is because you're going to be giving away something free in order to....And this brings me onto the third point....
3 – Capture the Names and Email Addresses of Visitors
That's right – you must build your list. And this is truly fundamental and something that many people overlook. You need to make sure that you capture your names and email addresses into something called an autoresponder.
4 – Build a Relationship with Your List
Let me ask you a quick question. Who do you listen to more...The advice of your friends or the advice of a stranger? If you're anything like me then you will listen to your friends of course! Well, that's why it is now important to build a relationship with the people that are on your list...And that means sending them emails that are packed with valuable information – information that they are truly thankful for. It won't be long before you start getting a name for yourself and people see you as the expert.
5 – Promote to your list
You're now at the point where you can promote to your list. You are now at the stage where you can recommend products to your list to help them solve their problems. And, of course, when a sale is made, you make money.
The Great Thing About This is....
Once you've set it all up, you can forget about it. It's called the money making “system” or the profit funnel. Once it's all set up, the only thing you have to worry about is driving enough traffic to it! And, of course, if you've set your profit funnel up in a good way then you should be able to drive a decent amount of traffic from paid sources as well as just free sources because you'll simply pay less than you make for each visitor.
I know this may seem a little overwhelming at the moment, but let me just tell you that what I've just taught you here is the fundamentals to making money online.
Author Bio:
My name's Paul McCarthy...And I hope you enjoyed and got some benefit from reading this article about making money online.
Now, if you want somebody to show you each and every step in great detail and tell you exactly how to make money online, then you should sign up at my page here: and I'll teach you personally myself, for free.
Top 4 Methods to Make Money from Internet
Making money online attracts most of the people to the internet. Due to the current economic crisis the people are looking to find other ways to make money and internet has always been good to offer the unique ways. The internet has always offered something new and unique. There are various ways by which you can make money from the internet from the comfort of your own home. You can run a business online and you can offer your services as well.
In this article, you will be able to know the top five methods to make money online. If you are planning to make a living from the internet then it is better to use as many ways as many possible for you. Using only one method will accumulate a small amount of money whereas the combined effect will be huge. Also, they will be helpful for each other. Like you can offer your writing services and at the same time keep a blog running. This is almost same kind of thing, requiring similar skill but will help you to make almost double money.
The top five methods that are my favorite are:
1. Blogging: Blogging is my personal favorite. It is among the very best methods to make money online. Everyone can do it and every one can make money from it with a little effort. All you will need is a blog and then you will have to monetize it. You can easily learn thousands of techniques to effectively monetize it.
2. Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing can make you rich in a while. Yes this is true. If you have exceptional marketing skills, you should come to affiliate marketing. The amount of money that you earn depends upon the number of sales that you execute. If you have good marketing skills, you can make a lot of money from the internet.
3. Online stores: Online stores are also great when it comes to the online money making. You can sell a lot of things there. You can choose the products to sell and then market them. You can setup an online payment system. This is somewhat like affiliate marketing but in this case you own the products and get the amount at which the item is sold. Whereas in affiliate marketing, you only get the commission. This makes it more effective and money making method.
4. Online surveys: The online surveys are another great method to make money online. You can easily subscribe for some websites which will allow you to fill up the survey forms and in return they will be paying you the money. There are various websites to choose from and the options are unlimited literally. This method is really amazing as it needs almost no initial investment and you can start earning very soon. But all you need is to join only genuine sites.
The method that you choose will mostly depend upon your interest and skills. You can choose any of the above methods and start making money online.
Author Bio:
Stephen Phillips is an online paid survey expert. He runs a resource sites related to Legitimate Paid Surveys where you can find reviews of best paid survey network sites available online. If you want to make money online through online surveys then visit his website:
Shall I Become an Affiliate Marketer?
When you take the decision of becoming an online affiliate marketer, there are a few benefits that comes along with this decision. Several people enter this business having a concept in mind of this work being profitable and easy at the same time plus you can work from the comfort of your home just sitting online and even when you are sleeping your business would be running. Unlike the stocks market, you would not be worried about any money loss or risk, all you will be spending on is just a bit on website maintenance along with your advertisement.
You can easily become a part of this business and for free as well. There is no selling experience required for you to join in and start working as an affiliate marketer for some company or for your own business. All you need are the skills that would be developed over time or if you keep on learning that will help you in pre-selling products and sending visitors on the merchant’s home page. You would not be dealing with selling part, you just have to persuade and convince people; the sales page would take care of the rest. Once the sale is generated, you get a commission over it. Other benefits you get include investing a little and earning a lot more plus having an ease of getting online and working from anywhere you want on the planet. You would not even have to work too hard once the setup begins to operate and you can choose your own suitable time unlike an office job hours.
There are thousands of affiliate marketing programs to join and you are not bounded to work with a limited number either. Mostly the merchants in this business offer high commission for their affiliates so they show more productivity and it sure is worth it. Now all this might sound a bit too easy to do and it sure can be easy only if you know and understand what affiliate marketing is before starting off. It is never too late to learn so never think of yourself as you know everything.
I would suggest you to get online, search out an excellent niche of your interest, and then look for good affiliate programs that are offering related services and products. Once this is done, start promoting them in your own way through articles, forums, blogs, posts, and in whatever way you think people would be attracted towards them.
Make Money Online Writing Unique Articles
There are a couple of ways that you can make money online writing articles so i will cover both within this article and once your finished reading, or maybe watching the video, then you can go out there and make some extra money. Its all about taking action, so if you do nothing with this information, then nothing will happen.
Marketers need a steady stream of unique content to submit to either their blog, or the article directories as this sends free traffic to the website which makes extra sales. This traffic is highly targeted and is why articles are much needed, in all markets.
You can do one of two things:
Become A Freelancer
I'm sure your aware that the freelancer sites are becoming bigger and bigger as more successful marketers want to hire people to do all the work and these people will pay you for quality unique articles. Sites such as freelancer allow you to bid on jobs and if the webmaster is interested then he/she will accept your bid.
A few of my friends have done the same thing but for web design and SEO and let me tell you, the results have been amazing. Yes, people from different countries will out bid you but the professional webmasters know that if you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys. Always only provide the highest quality and word of mouth will throw business at you faster than lightening.
Webmaster forums such as digital point or warrior forum are also great places to flog your articles at a reasonable price and once you get a few interested customers, you can then look forward to repeat business as article writing is on-going work. The need for constant, unique articles will never end so as long as you provide top quality content, you cannot fail.
Write For Yourself
Affiliate marketers or product owners will write their own articles and submit them to grow targeted traffic to their own landing pages as this traffic alone can generate alot of sales if it is consistent. You can do both! write for other people as well as yourself and make twice the amount of money, its a win win situation.
Articles are great to build backlinks, as well as to drive traffic from the actual article directory and if you submit multiple times per day, your traffic will certainly see an increase, as well as the sales.
You can use direct linking to your offers using a domain name which will send your article traffic to the offer. If your not worried about building a list and just want the sales then you can do this. I have personally tried this with great results.
You must choose a keyword for each article and make sure you include the keyword within your title, the summary and a few times within the article body. This will make sure that you get the maximum traffic from the actual search engine on the article directory as well as your listings within the other search engines such as Google and Yahoo.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and the video i have made to complement this article. Now you know how to make money online writing articles.
Here's a video showing how to make money with articles:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
How to Write a Better Blog Post?
Writing blog posts is a process which needs to be carefully thought and acted. You will have to start by selecting the niche. Niche will be the most important thing. It will help you to write better as you will be narrowing the topic and will be targeting a specific audience.
Now you need to choose the exact topic by conducting a research. This research will play a very important role. You will have to decide about the topic and the angel from which you will have to write and all this information will be collected from research data. The research data will also give you the access to the liking and the desire of the readers. You will be in a position to know what your readers want to read about. You can base your research on many things. You should also make sure that you are reading the feedback of the readers via the email, the comments and through the other methods. This feedback will give you good ideas to write about. You can also search in the forums and can come up with the different ideas what people are talking about and what they are interested in. Once you have done all that, you can go on and select a few topics to write about. You can then decide about the one topic that you want to write this week.
While writing the blog posts, you will have to look at the topic and will have to decide about the style which you are going to use in the blog posts. You can choose conversational style or can go for a formal style. This depends on the topic that you are going to write about. You will also have to know whether using the bullets and numbering would be better or going for simple 6-8 paragraph blog post would be better. Once you have decided about these things you will have to research the material for the blog post.
While researching for the material, you have to understand what you need to research. Write down all the things that you are going to discuss and then go online and look for the solid facts and information regarding that. Always verify the information so that you are not guilty of providing disinformation to the readers.
Now that you have the material and you are all set to write the blog posts, you need to understand that you are writing for the readers. While writing the blog posts, just keep the fact in mind that the blog posts are for readers and you should write the things that they are interesting to read.
How To Earn Money From Your Articles
Article writing is a good way to express our innermost emotions, share our good and memorable experiences and to record all of our life's events. Our articles come in different forms. It can be as an online diary, a list of the things we love to remember or a review of a favorite movie that we have seen and want to document. The internet has given all article writers a venue to keep and store their written articles online. Blogs came about and when people learned about this great discovery, they started to flock into free blog hosting sites and developed their own. Majority of internet users has at least one blog online, each with a different purpose, with a different niche depending on the writer's inclination. Others are general blogs, mostly are personal blogs while a few more are business blogs.
Yes, many entrepreneurs have turned into the internet also to market their products and services. Many businessmen nowadays hire product reviewers and have these reviews posted in their blogs and in other people's blog with high traffic. In this way, people will find their products faster. Article writing plays a vital role in advertising nowadays. Many consumers prefer to buy products with background information and reviews from people who have used them. The writer's job comes in. Companies hire them to create background information and testimonials about the product at hand.
Articles are used for product reviews. Reviews of companies, products, sites and services are very much useful so a customer could decide if they want to hire a company for their current project or not, also if the product available is worth buying or not. This has given many writers and would be writers to have another way to earn money. More and more people nowadays are turning into article writing. This does not only allow them to do what they love to do but it also gives them a chance to be able to manage their own time. Once you have been writing for a year or two regularly, you could already earn a good decent amount of money which would help you with your monthly expenses.
Aside earning from product reviews, there are also sites online where you could earn a good monthly income through writing. First is through your article pageviews. These sites include Triond, Bukisa and Associated Content. Triond is a great community. The site has its own marketing strategies so your articles usually appear on the first few pages of Google. You will just wonder where the traffic comes from as you do get them daily and your also earn daily. It maybe a few cents at first but as you keep on writing, the few cents will soon be accumulated into dollars then a few hundreds. Photos, original videos, recipes, movie reviews and other interesting information can be submitted. They pay every 15th of the following month for the earnings accumulated in the current month.
Bukisa has a current rate of $3.65 per thousand pageviews. Associated Content pays $1-$20 upfront payment for articles depending on the content or $1.5 per thousand pageviews. About also pays $1 per article and pays revenue every month for your articles.
You can also create your own blog. There are many free blogging hosts online where you can start with. There is Blogger, Outblogger, and a lot more. This needs extra effort on your part though as it is necessary to post regularly and to drive traffic to your site. This is called link building. One way to do this is through social bookmarking, commenting in other blogs and forum posting where you add a link to your blog in your signature and profile pages. You can also create a link in your profile pages at Social networking sites. Once your blog has gained a higher pagerank, has regular readers and has improved its total number of backlinks, you can also join other earning opportunity sites like Clickbank, Kontera or Infolinks for text link ads and paid to review sites like Linkworth and Blogtoprofit. Many people also add google adsense into their blogs. It is important to note though that if you participate in paid to review sites like Blogsvertise and similar sites, google usually penalizes your blog's pagerank. It becomes lower in the next update. For some bloggers, this doesn't matter as long as they have enough visitors to their sites and the paid reviews usually make them earn more money than adsense alone.
Blogging communities are also great sources of online income from your articles. Sites that rank higher in search engines are Hubpages, Squidoo, Xomba, Yousaytoo, among others.
Earning online through your articles is a great way to make some money online. Regular posting for a few months will soon make your earn money monthly. The good thing is, these articles will stay there forever (meaning until the site is alive) and they get to earn income monthly. Writing more articles will increase your earnings every month. It may be a slower process but the lifetime rewards are worth it.
Need a Logo for Your Online Business?
Whatever online business you want to start on the Internet to make money, you'll need a logo. A logo will help branding for your online business. When running an online business, you certainly want your potential customers to know the existence of your e-company or online store; also you want them to remember it. Your logo will play an important role on this.
Moreover, if you are providing good quality of product or service to the customers constantly. Gradually your logo will become a brand of trust or a brand of quality in people mind. More and more people will recommend your company by words of mouth or by online recommendation. This is a free promotion that will boost up your sales and profit.
It is easy to have a logo created for your online business because the Internet has a lot of logo design services. You can get logo just below $40. There are many sites offering such a low cost service. But believe if you use them, you are going to regret. You probably get a poor design logo that you wouldn't want to use it. Logo designers are a lot but finding a logo designer that can really provide quality and professional logo design service will take you some time.
There is one quality logo design company that you can count on when it comes finding a professional logo designing service. It is Logobee is an award winning logo design company. It has been in business since year 2000. With 10 years logo design service provided, Logobee is now a reputable logo design company.
What are the custom logo services Logobee can give you?
Logobee has a team of talented logo designers in different backgrounds and age groups. Whatever business you are running online, Logobee will make sure they find the most suitable designers to create company logo that matches your preference. In fact the team of designers in Logobee will come up 6 logo design samples for you to decide and choose the best one for your business.
5 days turnover time. Logobee will complete the work for you in 5 business day. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the logo, you can request for modification up to 6 times.
Pricing. How much Logobee is going to charge you? Their custom logo design service start from $199. With $199, you’ll get a professional and creative logo. If you like to have more design and features, then the price will be higher.
Money Back Guarantee. If you are ordering a silver pack ($279) or higher, you are given the option to request a refund of your purchase.
Here are some logo samples of Logobee:
Logobee is reputable in the industry because they always provide satisfying service to their clients. Many clients are giving logo design review and testimonial on Logobee design service. You can read about them and see the previous logos that Logobee has created for their clients on
Make Money with Logobee
If you run a webmaster or web design or logo design related site, Logobee can be your extra source of revenue. Logobee invites web publishers to join the affiliate program to provide their logo design services on the Internet. They provides banner ads, text links and other marketing materials that you can use to promote Logobee and earn affiliate commission. Logobee pays $20 for Each customer you refer.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Long Tail Keywords
All of us know that keywords are very important in all of our lives to make life simple in a search engine. There are many methods that you can try and use for a search. The common method that is used by people from all over the world is the keyword search.
There are different kinds of keywords and marketers target these keywords to try to make a sale. In this context, the long tail keywords have a specific role to play. The reason for this is that the long tail keywords are much more specific in nature and they end up in a sale more often than not.
There are many internet marketers and also affiliate marketers who are learning about the importance of the long tail keyword in the sale of products and are trying to target this method to earn more money online. Earning money through marketing products depends a lot on the search engine optimization for a product. The search engine optimization on the other hand, depends on the keyword that is used in articles or content that is posted on the internet.
The advantage of using keywords that are long tailed is that once these are searched for, and then there is a high chance that your site will be listed first in the Google search, if your content has been written revolving around this kind of keyword. The reason is that in non specific single word keywords, there is a chance that there could be a number of sites that are related to the same keyword and all these could be listed first in the search engines. When this happens, you will not be able to make a sale because of the use of these single keywords and making them search engine optimized is much more difficult.
Long tail keywords are more specific and if that is searched for, it is easier for you to get the traffic specific to the keywords. Similarly, another great advantage of the use of long tail keywords is that the conversion rate of the traffic received to the sales is much more. The reason for this is that there are people who search for non specific words with the intention of seeking knowledge. Most of the people who search for highly specific things on the internet, are those who have knowledge about them and are trying to buy products. The people who use long tailed keywords are usually those who are planning to buy a product and so this is a great boon for the internet and affiliate marketers.
Submitting Articles Manually or with Software?
Article writing is an important aspect of internet marketing and also affiliate marketing. There are many people who earn a lot of money through writing articles and also marketing products through these articles. There are different methods of posting articles in the various online directories and some of these methods that are used are manual submission methods. On the other hand, there can also be methods of submitting the articles using software. Each of these has their own merits and demerits that have to be understood for you to realize if one of these methods is better.
Manual submission of articles: This takes a very long time to submit many of the articles and the length of time that takes to submit the articles is a very important factor in your business. This is the reason for you to decide if you would really like to use the manual submission as an option. If you submit articles manually, then you would need to go on doing this for many days, especially if you have many articles. You will have to register in many of the sites and then after each site is verified, you will need to submit to them according to specifications. This can cause a delay in submission leading to decreased profits from your business.
Article submission with software: The submission of articles with software can help to speed up the process of articles being submitted to various directories. Though the writing of articles takes a specific amount of time, the submission of articles can be very simple and easy as all you have to do is to use the software. The articles will be submitted to hundreds of article directories at the same time. This saves you a lot of time that you would have otherwise wasted using methods of manual submission.
The simplicity and ease with which people submit the articles using software will make it better for you to be able to submit the articles using article submission software. There are many different kinds of software that help to make the articles to become viral and these are very useful in viral marketing too.
So, on the whole, if you have to decide if the article submission software or the manual submission of articles is better, then the balance tilts in favor of the article submission software. Many people have used this method of submitting articles successfully.
Is HYIP Investment a Quick Way to Make Money Online?
High yield investment program (HYIP) is as its name says, the investment program that offers high return. Because HYIPs have the potential of high and quick earning, many people are attracted by it.
Investing in HYIPs doesn't involve any hard work. You just need to open an e-currency account and then send your fund to the HYIP using your e-currency account and start your investment will be started. The investing amount can be as little as $50 and as high as few thousand dollars. The interest or dividend of HYIPs usually is more than 20% per month. So, an investment of $1000 into a HYIP can earn you profit minimum $200 per month. Sound good isn't it!
Well, the truth is HYIP investment isn't a paradise of money. High return also means high risk. Investing in the reliable HYIPs will really earn you good money quickly but putting in your fund into the wrong HYIPs will lead to loses. If you decide to invest in HYIPs, make sure the amount you're invested is what you afford to lose. And every time you found an interesting HYIP, don't go in immediately. Read about the HYIP performance first in the HYIP forums. See whether others are getting paid from the HYIP.
HYIP is high risk but this never stops the growth of this industry. People are so excited with the game and many new HYIPs are born on the Internet from time to time. If the risk associated with HYIP investment doesn't seem to be a worry to you, then you probably want to try this interesting money game.
In HYIP industry, there are really people doing well with their investment and making good return. These are the people that not blindly putting their fund into HYIPs. They do their home work before going in. If you want to make money with HYIPs, these are the people you should learn from.
The investors who really make money are those who take some time to do research. They go to the HYIP forums like, Money Maker Group and etc to find the supporting information. They wait for other people to test the HYIP first before entering the HYIP. If the HYIP is really paying, the forum members will let other know. Also HYIPs that offer return that is too high should be avoided as well. Some other things to look for are the design and features of the HYIP website. Unique design of HYIP site with good security features can give some indications that the HYIPs will stay long on the Internet. In addition of that, a popular HYIPs with loads of people supported it gives a strong indication that the HYIPs will stay for long and pay you consistently.
Speaking about popular HYIPs that pay consistently, ForexNetClub is one of them that perform well. ForexNetClub is basically an investment club (company) that do Forex trading using the fund gathered from investors worldwide. They earn profit from trading Forex and pay the profit to the investors. They are currently offering the following investment plans:
Short Term
109% after two weeks. It means you’ll get back your initial capital plus 9% of interest after maturity.
Mid Term
128% after 4 weeks. It means you’ll get back your initial capital plus 27% of interest after maturity.
Long Term
191% after 8 weeks. It means you’ll get back your initial capital plus 91% of interest after maturity.
ForexNetClub has been existed for several months and paying the investors. It is popular right now. A lot of people are going for this. You can check the forum discussions about ForexNetClub in TalkGold Forum. Many investors are posting good feedback on this. They were getting paid constantly. So ForexNetClub is worth a try. Minimum investment starts with $50.
Starting an investment in ForexNetClub is simple. Just open an e-currency account with Liberty Reserve if you haven’t got one. Fund your Liberty Reserve account and then send the fund to ForexNetClub through Liberty Reserve and your HYIP investment will be started. They have posted details education center about how to open a Liberty Reserve account and start investing to make sure you know how to get started.
Investing a small amount of money to ForexNetClub is a good way to find out if HYIP is right for you. The return is quite good and they have shown sign of stability and reliability.
Finally, always remember the important rule of HYIP investment which is invest on what you can afford to lose. Also don't everything into one basket should decide to make money from HYIPs. Diversify your fund to several good HYIPs to lower your risk but still maintain your return.
Four Useful Twitter Tools
Twitter is an important method of communication and keeping in touch with many people. There are many uses of Twitter and people have been using Twitter as a method of making money too. The reason for this is the many number of tools that are available on twitter. If you are out to make money on the internet, then Twitter is a one stop solution for you. There are many methods of making money and all you need to do to use it is to think well and use your creativity. There are many people who have not been thinking in the traditional methods, but out of the hat thinking will make you make that huge amount of profit that you have always been eyeing.
Tweetdeck: This is one of the well known Twitter tools and it allows you to follow who you want to, in a professional method. There are many people on Twitter whom you would like to follow. There are times when you will not be able to keep track of them and at these times, you will be able to use this tool to follow these people.
Just Tweet it: This is also one of the simplest tools that are available in Twitter. Almost all the people who use Twitter use this tool and this tool simply helps you to contact others. This also helps you to keep in touch with other people.
Tweepler: This Twitter tool helps you to organize followers who are following you. There may be many people who are following you and there may be some people who you do not like to follow. There are times when there may be some who are following you, but you have not even heard about the person and want to stop the person following you. All these are possible through the Tweepler Twitter tool. This is very handy at times when you do not want to have any trouble from unknown people.
Twitoria: To contact those who u have not tweeted for long, this Twitter tool is very helpful. The reason for this is that there are many people who would have been on your list for a long time and after a period of time, you lose track of these people and do not tweet. This tool helps to highlight the long lost people on your list and helps to contact them.
These are some of the common tools used in Twitter.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Amazon Affiliates... Where Do I Start?
Becoming an Amazon affiliate is a cool way to make money online. This is easy and does not require too much work. All you need is to have a website or a web blog to advertise Amazon’s products, Amazon pays you for that. is an online shop with a wide range of products from books to electronics, making it one of the best sites to link your shoppers to. What even makes it better is that Amazon is well known and trusted by those who shop online.
Becoming an Amazon Affiliate:
Get your own website or weblog. A good website or weblog is the starting point for becoming an Amazon affiliate. Having interesting content on your blog will be an added advantage, as this will attract a lot of visitors to your site. The content of your site must also be original and not plagiarized material.
The next step is to create an account, or login if you already have one. You need to be registered on Amazon to become an Amazon affiliate. Please be sure to enter your true details, as this will be for your own good. Most people who enter information on online forms either give false or partially true information. When you are logged in to, click on “Join Associates”. This can be found on the left side of the home page.
Fill out the form provided with all the information requested. Be sure to provide true information here too and submit the application. It usually takes Amazon 24 hours to respond to “Join Associates” requests, so sit and wait for the response.
Amazon will send you all necessary information regarding the status of your request. If your request was approved, they will send you links to place on your site so customers can order products from Amazon.
From Amazon's inventory, choose the books and materials you would like to offer for sale to visitors of your site. Send this information to Amazon, and place a link to on your site. They will send you reports and data on activities from your site periodically. You need to save these reports to keep track of your earnings.
Becoming an Amazon affiliate is as easy as that and does not cost you anything to register. Once you registered for one website or blog, you will be able to add the links to other websites you create without having to register again. When registering read all the contract terms and conditions carefully and make sure you agree with each of them before you proceed.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Want a Revolutionary Money Making System?
Are you working hard to make money online but still nothing happens? You have been doing pay per click advertising, affiliate marketing, blogging, eBay selling, freelancing but none of these money making methods are working for you. You are thinking that it's time to try something new or different to make money online.
Well, there is a new money making method waiting for you. It was a revolutionary money making system that has proven to work. It has designed for any individual wanting to make money online. Regardless of if you are new with little computer knowledge or you are already an experienced online marketer, you can participate into this and make use of the money making system. The founder has made the system simple so that everyone can follow.
From the launch till now, many have profited on Internet using this system. In fact there are quite a lot of success stories of making a living online with this system. Juan Walker is one of success stories. Juan was in debt of $60,000 during the economy recession when his and his wife businesses suffered losses. They jumped online and tried different money making opportunities but nothing seems to work until they found a new and revolutionary money making system called Carbon Copy Pro. They put their time and effort in and surprisingly, they made $49,572.38 in the first 58 days. And now they are enjoying the life they dream of thanks to this home based money making system.
As Carbon Copy Pro can help anyone, Juan has set up a website to invite you to see what it is about and see if it is right for you. Just visit and opt in with your name and email address; and you'll be directed to a page that give you full details about this revolutionary money making system.
As a thanks for signing up for full details of Carbon Copy Pro money making system, Juan will give away 10 free online marketing training videos loaded with valuable content that will help you increase your income from what you are doing now on the Internet. These free video training touch the latest important topics like Facebook, Twitter, search engine optimization, branding, banner advertising and some other topics. Certainly you'll learn something helpful to make more money online.
Carbon Copy Pro is unlike any other Internet and home based business models. You don't need to go through a long learning curve and spend a great deal of time on the tedious set up works. Everything is laid out in step-by-step, you just follow it and you'll get everything up and running to start making money online at home. And it’s certainly not a 'get rich quick' scheme. You must work on it to get result.
Get more information about Carbon Copy Pro system and access to the free videos now