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Friday, August 6, 2010

Top 10 SEO content writing tips everyone should know

You don’t have to sacrifice the quality of your work in order to create content that is search engine optimized and will help improve your ranking with the major search engines. By integrating certain important elements into your website content, directory submission articles, blog posts and social media content, you can make them easy for search engines to find and improve your overall ranking.

Here are ten of the key concepts to keep in mind:
1. Content matters: It’s important to remember that no matter what your subject matter is, your content has the potential to reach a large audience and help your company beyond the SEO benefits. Website content, articles and blog posts are ways to connect your company to relevant, interesting information about your industry. Creating copy that is well-written and focuses on interesting topics in your industry will help it go beyond increasing your page rank by being linked to and shared by outsiders.
2. Stay on topic: Business writing is not the same as writing your personal blog! There’s nothing wrong with adding some personality to your writing - this helps to keep the readers intrigued. Just make sure that you stay focused on the business-oriented topic you are writing about and avoid drifting into unrelated tangents.
3. Write compelling headings: The titles of web pages and articles are among the first things that grab the attention of a reader. Don’t use a generic, boring headline which simply describes what the article or web copy is about. Instead, think like a newspaper headline writer and develop a headline which makes someone want to read more.
4. Ideal keyword length and density: Content written for web copy and articles for directory submission should be 300 to 1,000 words in length. Blog posting and posts on social media sites can be shorter. The length of your article will largely be determined by the number of keywords you are using: a keyword for every 50 to 100 words of content is a good rule of thumb.
5. Add keywords to the bio: Biographical information given for a magazine story or an article for a directory submission is a great chance for you to enhance your credentials and also optimize your content. Make sure that you include one keyword in your bio.
6. Don’t stack keywords: Cramming keywords in an article or page of web content (such as being part of a list) looks unprofessional since all of your linked keywords will be running together on the page. Spread your keywords evenly throughout the article so they look more organic.
7. Use meta descriptions: Meta descriptions are 150 character descriptions of your content and are excellent opportunities for optimization. Make sure your content has meta descriptions with keywords included. This is a great way to get Google to recognize your content and increase its value.
8. Write and tag hierarchically: In order for Google and other search engines to give your content the highest placement possible, it’s important that it looks professional and well-structured. Using the appropriate tags for your content will do this. Use h1 tags for titles, h2 tags for subtitles and so on. This concept will also help your writing by encouraging you to put your most compelling ideas first.
9. Write original content: Having duplicate content is a major no-no for search engine optimization, so don’t just “copy and paste” content from existing sources. Make sure your content is fresh and original - even copying your own content is a poor SEO decision.
10. Choose relevant images: Creative Commons search tools like the Google Image Search Assistant will help you find intriguing images that are free to use without risking copyright infringement. Having eye-catching images that are relevant to your content will grab the reader’s attention.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quick and Easy Ways to attract More Traffic to Your Site from YouTube

YouTube is one of the most common and biggest social networking websites online today. Millions of web surfers browse through the YouTube site monthly in search of videos that in their chosen niches. There are traffic generating potentials from YouTube but you may not be able to leverage this fact if you don't know the right steps to take and how to perform certain simple traffic-oriented tasks using your YouTube videos. If you had been reading how lots of other website owners had been getting loads of traffic from YouTube, it is time for you to join the successful train and start experiencing very meaningful traffic to your website from YouTube. The right step to take are outlined in this brief discuss.

What You Must Know In Order To Drive More Traffic to Your Site Via YouTube

It isn't rocket science to drive traffic from YouTube irrespective of the type of business you are doing. Saying this is important because some site owners may unnecessarily be intimated by the huge results of those that had been there before them. The skill you have or whatever qualification you may have wouldn't count if you fail to read and digest the following three important YouTube traffic tips.

1 - The first thing is to submit your videos to YouTube. Don't be deterred if you don't know how to create and upload any video at the moment because it doesn't take more a couple of minutes. Essentially you will need free 'Camstudio' which is readily available on the internet to create any prolific video to be shown on YouTube. If you are among those internet marketers that still find it difficult to join the social marketing 'war-fare'; you have to wake up today if you really want your online business to survive.

While using YouTube as a traffic-driving medium, you have to ensure you give your videos adequate titles. This is important because there are lots of marketers that make the mistake of titling their YouTube videos for the search engines. This may not yield the desired popularity for such video because the search engines are becoming smarter than they were few months back. The best option is to give your videos proper titles that will appeal to humans and be sure of its popularity once it starts getting shared and voluntarily linked to on the internet.

The basics concept of any video you upload online should be to either entertain or educate so you have to carefully make it worth your viewers' while. If you have some educational or informative tips to give, nothing prevents you from sitting in front of your computer and recording 2 or 3 minutes clean video of yourself talking. This is quite acceptable online and can go viral as long as you have useful or informative content in the video.

2 - You shouldn’t forget to include the link to your website or blog in any video you create and upload to the YouTube. This is very important especially if your sole aim of uploading such video is to drive traffic to your online or offline business. The time you spent on the video creation may have been wasted if you fail to provide link back to your site so that those that view your videos can click-in to your blog or site to see more of your offerings. It is common to believe that many viewers wouldn’t type in the URL in the YouTube videos but the truth is that many actually do.

You Can Create a Community of YouTube Video Viewers

3 - This is similar to asking potential clients to subscribe to your newsletter but in this case, they would be subscribing to your YouTube channel so that they will know when you post new videos. This can effectively bring repeated traffic to your site especially if you have very insightful videos on display. You can simply ask people to subscribe to your YouyTube video channel by mentioning it at the beginning and the end of your videos but be sure to make your videos are informative as possible.

Richard Chidike is the owner and founder of Motivatory.com. As a professional blogger with valuable years of experience in internet marketing, his motivational blog is fully dedicated to helping bloggers and internet marketers succeed online. You can join me on twitter at Motivatory.

Make Money Online in Record Time by Building Your List!

If you're new to making money online then I have three words that will hopefully transform the way you look at your new business. This article will help you make money online in record time and I only wish I had this information when I started out!

Build Your List

All the top internet marketers out there have the ability to generate wealth on demand and the reason they can do this is because they have spent time to get people onto their mailing list.

This means that when they release new information products, they instantly have a list of prospects to sell items to. This usually means an instant pay off every time a product is launched and is extremely powerful.

How do you Build a Sizable list?

Building a list is actually pretty easy. Here are the steps that you need to follow:-

1. Create a one page web site where you offer a free gift in exchange for the name and email address of your visitors

2. Create the gift that you are going to give away to your visitors – often this simply needs to be a short report. There's no need to create a whole book to give away. Generally speaking, less is more, because people are always after quick fixes to their problems.

3. Drive traffic to your one page web site

And that's really all there is to it.

So, let's assume that we were in the male dating niche. We might have a one page web site that offered a free e-book that people could download. The e-book might tell them how to approach any woman confidently and successfully.

Of course, a male who's having dating problems would visit the page, see the free e-book and feel enticed to enter his name and email address into the opt-in box.

How do you Make Money from your List?

Here's the clever part. You can use software services called autoresponders that allow you to add emails in advance of them being sent. This means that you can set up a year's worth of emails to be sent out, sit back and let the whole thing work on autopilot.

So, firstly, you should focus on providing top quality information to your prospects on your list. Make sure that they enjoy receiving emails from you and that you're providing real value and helping them to solve their problems.

After the initial relationship building stage, you can then start make soft and hard sells of products. You can either sell your own products or you can be an affiliate for products that other people have created.

So continuing our example from earlier: Once the prospect is on your list, he'd received some really helpful dating tips from you that he could go out in the “field” and try out on women. After a week or so, you'd then recommend a product, or mention your own product, that is specifically aimed at helping men have more success with women.

Of course you'd mention this product in each of the further emails that you send out.

The Money Making Machine....

And that's really all there is to making money online – it's not rocket science – but learning the skills to get everything set up the first time round takes a little learning.

If you want a rock-star lifestyle then I truly believe that internet marketing is your quickest ticket. If you just take the time to learn the skills you can really create a desirable lifestyle for yourself.

If you'd like to learn step by step how to create an online business that I've just described here then enter your name and email address here: http://www.fromzerotowebsite.com and I'll teach you personally myself for free.

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