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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

4 Essentials You Need to Convert Visitors Into Customers

Action Step #1 - Attracting Targeted Traffic
When you've got TARGETED traffic arriving at your site, your visitors are more inclined to make a purchase - plain and simple. Let's just say that you were promoting real estate, and you you're plugging acne treatment, it's highly unlikely they'll convert. Ideally, getting LASER TARGETED traffic will get you best results, and even then, continually work on sourcing the best traffic you can.
Step #2 - Create An Offer That Isn't Easy To Refuse
When you've got something of true value, which can genuinely help your customer, TELL THEM - make it crystal clear! Using fake testimonials, shady, unrealistic claims with fake proof just isn't acceptable. Tell them how your offer can actually add value to them, and help them if they buy your product or service. What's the benefit they get out of it? How does the use of your services or product make your customer's life more enjoyable and easier? Those are the benefits that you must highlight in your sales copy.
Action Step #3 - As Much As Possible Split Test EVERYTHING
It's essential that you split test as much as possible. This can include the images, the header, the tagline, the 'Buy Now' button, you name it. Split test until you get the highest converting version of your sales copy. Split testing is crucial, regardless of what you've got to offer, it applies to virtually any site. Learn from the big guys. Take Amazon for example. They split test extensively, on everything mentioned above. Why? Because they understand that even the slightest of differences can result in weak results, or a site consistently converting visitors into customers.
Action Step #4 - Make Sure You Get Feedback From Visitors
Despite the size of your site, whether a few pages or a hundred, getting feedback from your visitors can mean the success or failure of your efforts. It's important to know if your visitors are having problems with finding forms, navigating pages, getting images, or any other problems for that matter. The problem is that your average visitor will probably not take the time to email you about it, so this is easier said than done. You have to make it very easy for prospects to contact you, or perhaps even set up a survey right there on your site. If you're finding that people have having troubles navigating through your site, fix it right away. If people tell you that there's spelling and grammatical errors, again, fix it straight away.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, converting visitors into customers is NOT rocket science. In order to get the desired end result, you need to have all the ingredients and components working together. What's the desired end result? A conversion!
Upon mastering these skills, and finding a system that works for you to convert traffic into customers, you can usually rinse and repeat it across all of your sites for similar conversions. Having said all this, there are external factors to be considered. To name a few, these would include the different sources of traffic, the demographics of your audience etc.

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