Now that your online marketing system is chugging along merrily with your list is expanding by the day, it's time to pamper your customers with some more goodies. Offer them a info product first in order to whet their curiosities. And your challenge is to create that perfect first info product that will tempt them to make that extra investment.
Here are five nifty and easy steps to create that clinching first info product.
Arrange a free-for-all televised class. Use this platform to reach out to newer groups of potential customers, spread information about the new and innovative features in your product, and interact with the target audience so that you get to know of their preferences and their response to your product. Record this teleclass and let this be your opportunity to showcase your first paid info product.
Create a guidebook or a report to support what you present in the teleclass. You will need to prepare notes for the class, so it would be a good idea to turn them into guidebooks that you can hand out during the class. Or you can also prepare a crisp report from these notes, sell them as the paid product, and market the class as a freebie. Go a step further and convert the notes into a comprehensive step-by-step instruction or how-to workbook. Distribute it during the teleclass so that the audience can take down notes or their observations in it.
You now have a record of your teleclass, a guidebook or a report, and a workbook to be handed out to the audience during the class. The components of your first info product are ready to be presented to your target market.
You will now have to create a sales page for your product and the related shopping cart link so that your customers can get through to you and your product. It is a good marketing strategy to also devise an autoresponder that will allow you to get in touch with your customer and learn about their experience with your product.
You are almost there! You have your product ready and the sales page is up for viewing. Now you just need to promote it to your list, sit back, and enjoy the sight of the sales figures soaring. Send across individual mails to announce the launch of your product; but first, use your newsletter to grab the headlines. Divulge only some bit of information about the product, just enough to make the target audience curious and interested.
You have just created your first info product. Continue your promotions through your newsletter, blog, and through the many social networking websites.
Here are five nifty and easy steps to create that clinching first info product.
Arrange a free-for-all televised class. Use this platform to reach out to newer groups of potential customers, spread information about the new and innovative features in your product, and interact with the target audience so that you get to know of their preferences and their response to your product. Record this teleclass and let this be your opportunity to showcase your first paid info product.
Create a guidebook or a report to support what you present in the teleclass. You will need to prepare notes for the class, so it would be a good idea to turn them into guidebooks that you can hand out during the class. Or you can also prepare a crisp report from these notes, sell them as the paid product, and market the class as a freebie. Go a step further and convert the notes into a comprehensive step-by-step instruction or how-to workbook. Distribute it during the teleclass so that the audience can take down notes or their observations in it.
You now have a record of your teleclass, a guidebook or a report, and a workbook to be handed out to the audience during the class. The components of your first info product are ready to be presented to your target market.
You will now have to create a sales page for your product and the related shopping cart link so that your customers can get through to you and your product. It is a good marketing strategy to also devise an autoresponder that will allow you to get in touch with your customer and learn about their experience with your product.
You are almost there! You have your product ready and the sales page is up for viewing. Now you just need to promote it to your list, sit back, and enjoy the sight of the sales figures soaring. Send across individual mails to announce the launch of your product; but first, use your newsletter to grab the headlines. Divulge only some bit of information about the product, just enough to make the target audience curious and interested.
You have just created your first info product. Continue your promotions through your newsletter, blog, and through the many social networking websites.
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